[28] Praying in the Spirit

Wednesday 12 September 2018

The focus for the evening was Ephesians 6:18: 

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests."

We had a time of worship, singing along to songs about the Holy Spirit and praying between. Then Chris led us in some teaching to look into what it means to "pray in the Spirit". Interestingly, this was much based on a book by Arthur Wallis who was a church leader here in Southampton. This is another treasure that God has shown us.

The big learning point for us here is that as we start to pray, we need to make a deliberate move to yield to the Holy Spirit, confessing our inability to do it on our own. 

If we are praying in the Spirit, the Holy Spirit INSPIRES, GUIDES, ENERGIZES and SUSTAINS the praying. It promises a good future for the House of prayer, as together we grow in these things. We need to be patient because we are on a learning curve. But we have the best teacher ever!!

Full notes are available on the page 'Praying in the Spirit'.

And powerpoint slides are here:

Pray in the Spirit PPT