[38] Update with Wider Community

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Tonight we gathered together with the wider community - friends from around the churches who have been keeping in touch with SoHOP via email updates.

We outlined where we are up to now - how the Lord has guided us to 'focus on starting'. We don't have everything thought out and done, but we do have some of the jigsaw pieces in our hands. We also said how we had an encouragement from the 24-7 team that once we have launched others will get on board.

It will soon be time for everyone who wants to to be involved to come and pray!!!

Assignment and Invitation

We talked about the assignment that we have for getting SoHOP started and what the invitation is to spread far and wide around the church in Southampton:

And if you are really keen to get more involved...


We were sat around tables cafe-style for this meeting and now we prayed in our table groups for the following topics:

Finally we prayed in pairs, where one person was from the discernment community and one was from the wider community. 

To send us off, we asked the Urdu singers to sing their song for us all. It was about the blood of Christ, which cleanses us.