Romans 12 prayers

Dear Lord,

Please help me to surrender completely to you, 

to offer my life to you, 

to give up my life to you, 

and allow each part of me to be used for you as a sacrifice of praise.

Allow my mind to be renewed 

and for me to not enter into worldly things 

and to completely know your will.


Today and each day I give you my body God. I surrender my mind, my will, my actions, my habits to you.

I physically look up and wake up to you, actively stretching my muscles, standing tall, lifting my arms to you, opening my mouth and praising and thanking you.

I know that I am OK by you because of what Jesus has done for me, I am holy because of him.

I want to stand out for you in this world whatever that takes so change me to be more like you, and less concerned about fitting in being like everyone else. 

Change me, allow me to know your truth in my inner being, hearing your good voice, knowing your will which is the best way for me.

Lord I come to you today to dedicate my life to you anew. I give to you all that I am and present myself as a living sacrifice. I no longer wish to do anything outside of your will. Holy spiri please renew my mind so that even my thoughts are captive to your will. I wish to reach the point where my whole life belongs to you and I can truely say that I no longer live but Christ lives in me.