Chariot of Prayer

Wednesday 4 October 2023

Family news

After eating together we gave time to share stories from our lives this week. It was good to hear from a few people how they had been encouraged by God's work in their families. 

We also heard the sad news of someone's grandson being born ill and dying very soon after. This is their testimony:

Sadly, he was placed on palliative care and passed shortly after and is now in heaven. It is very sad. I held out for a miracle but not this time.

His parents are in a church. But it is desperately sad for them. 

God is faithful and has never let us down. We wait for much good.

It is good to share our experiences together, those that are joyful and also those that are sad.

Jesus' Chariot

Over the last few weeks we have explored what it means to be watchmen on the walls and also to take action, clearing obstacles to make a highway for God. That we are to pray and take action, bringing prayer from the edges to the centre and also responding as Jesus sends us out. 

We have also explored what it means for us to be ready for Jesus and how the way we relate to God impacts on how we use the gifts he has given us and how we relate to the world.

So when considering what to do this evening we wanted to take some time to weigh and take stock of some words that have come through. The first being from Ken, and the next from Jim Hodder.

Join Jesus in praying for his church in Southampton

After he left there, he came upon Jehonadab son of Rekab, who was on his way to meet him. Jehu greeted him and said, “Are you in accord with me, as I am with you?” “I am,” Jehonadab answered. “If so,” said Jehu, “give me your hand.” So he did, and Jehu helped him up into the chariot. Jehu said, “Come with me and see my zeal for the Lord.” Then he had him ride along in his chariot.

2 Kings 10:15‭-‬16 NIV

Now the context of this scripture is that Jehu had been anointed king of Israel and this chapter describes 3 violent acts of cleaning up the land from Baal worship.

But Ken's word is not in the context of this scripture luckily... or maybe it is...

Richard this verse stuck out to me the other day, I thought I might as well share it with you in case you find it helpful. I'm pulling this a bit out of context, but it reminded me of a lifetime ago in church when we used to sit around in a circle holding hands and singing bind us together and if your heart is right with mine then take my hand.

I think the Lord wants us as a committed group to step into his chariot by faith and join our King of Kings in praying for his church in Southampton before the throne of God.

From Ken's word and interpretation we get the sense that... 

We spent time in groups to consider:

- Jesus invites you into his chariot, what are your feelings?

- Where does Jesus take you in his chariot, what do you see?

- How does Jesus ask you to pray about what he is showing you?

- Do you feel that there are declarations to be made over the church in Southampton or other prayerful actions that we could take?

Feedback from groups

There are two main aspects of this picture for us:

These are more points coming out of our talking and praying together.


Having shared these things we prayed together.

A time of consecration and sense that we are together as a community accepting this invitation from Jesus.

Suggested follow up

- Jesus invites you into his chariot, what are your feelings?

- Where does Jesus take you in his chariot, what do you see?

- How does Jesus ask you to pray about what he is showing you?

- Do you feel that there are declarations to be made over the church in Southampton or other prayerful actions that we could take?

Other news

The leaders are meeting once a month to pray and review our progress as a community. This is our sense of where we are at: