[26] Prayer focus - Quiet reflections

Wednesday 29 August 2018

We met as usual for a bring and share meal and then went over to the sacred space for worship and prayer time.

One of our members, Sally, had been talking to God about new years eve today, having seen a sign outside a pub for 'book your Christmas meal now'. When she was praying about it, God said to get the House of Prayer together on new years eve - so it seems that we will indeed be open for business in January 2019 - from the very first minute! More details yet to be discerned, but that is very encouraging.

We listened to/joined in with a couple of devotional songs and gave ourselves to worshipping the Lord.

Then we had 4 activities available, organised by our Hopeweaver members Jo and Di. As follows....

Treasure CHest

The Lord has guided us to think about the hidden treasures in Southampton that He is blessing. Tonight we focussed on the hidden treasure in us. During the evening we had opportunity to write on a small card treasure chest whatever the Lord revealed, and we were encouraged to take them away with us and keep praying this week.

What have you created in me to bring out now, to bless the house of prayer and the whole of Southampton? 


At this station there were various materials that could be weaved onto an A5 card. The process of weaving is part of the praying. 

What do you want me to weave into the House of Prayer Lord?


Here we had a map of Southampton and inserted markers to show places we are praying for and added tags around the map to show who/what are praying for.

Collage- House of Prayer for Southampton

Finally we had a collage area, for us to add pictures, words etc about what is on our hearts for the House of Prayer.