[19] Hidden Treasure group work (2)

Wed 11 July 2018

An interesting evening... England played Croatia in the football world cup semi-final and we released those who really wanted to watch the match to do so. The halls where we meet are usually very noisy with children doing dancing lessons, but they all disappeared at 7pm and it went very quiet. Just 14 of us there.

We started with a prophetic prayer, in the car park! Carolyn brought a load of palm branches and we laid them out as a way of welcoming Jesus into Southampton and into the House of Prayer. This was prompted by reading Matthew 21. 

Then  we got into our groups to continue our groupwork on hidden treasures. Next week we will conclude this and take stock of what each group has discovered and figuratively take things to go into the House of Prayer "treasury".

Finally we heard from another two members of the group about their spiritual rhythms and how they meet God in them. Then, of course, we prayed for them!