Keep pressing in for the new thing

Wednesday July 19 2020

As we prayed in Watts Park again last week I was encouraged by the heart in our community to wait on the Holy Spirit and not follow routine, or presume we know what to do, but just have an attitude of "Your will be done".

I really felt the Holy Spirit confirm our call to be watchmen on the walls. We must continue to intercede for our churches and church leaders so that they can move into all that God is calling us to.

These are the kind of things we see/hear the Holy Spirit is doing among us:

Chris has a really helpful word about there being an unexploded bomb in the city - the church has not come to its full potential, but all is there, except the detonator. Pray for church leaders - they are the detonator! The presence of God is there amongst his people, call them to pray and ignite what God wants to do.

This is such a good word for this time:

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.

See, I am doing a new thing!

Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

Is 43:18

So let's keep pressing in!