Silent Prayer

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Some ideas about what silent prayer is

It is not us doing something, but being with God. He delights that we are there and we delight that he is there, and so it goes on. His presence is sheer gift.

The source of silent prayer is the indwelling of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and the focus is the deepening relationship with the living Christ. 

Jesus set us an example in the gospel where there are a number of accounts of him removing himself from the crowds and spending time with God (Mark 1:35). 

Silent prayer is not meant to replace other types of prayer but can cast a new light and depth of meaning on them and it is a movement beyond conversation with Christ to communion with him. 

St Augustine prayer: You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless 'til they find rest in you.

This is not praying about a specific thing, it is not a task, it is spending time with God, being in His presence and resting.

Think of what young babies are like - there is time when they are content just to be held and to gaze into your face. So with silent prayer - just gazing at each other is enough.


This is not about techniques, but practical aids that will help us rest in God.

So from this position of resting and stillness with God we go out into the action of our every day and then return back to him at the end - rhythm. 

Mother Teresa prayer: We can do no great things, just small things with great love. It is not how much you do, but how much love you put into doing.