[10] Spiritual Transformation (5) 

Self Awareness

Wednesday May 9 2018

Rhythm of Prayer

We reflected on the three types of prayer as in prayer of quiet trust, prayer for indifference and prayer for wisdom and how we had got on with these prayers, in small groups. We also reflected in these groups on the whole of our lives being prayer. What was fed back was that it can be a struggle to get to a place of quietness and trust but worth it when you get there.

We heard from two people on their spiritual rhythms and then prayed for them (the questions we're asking are 'what spiritual rhythms do you have in place?; 'how are you experiencing God in the midst of these rhythms?' and 'how would you like to go on from here?'

Self Awareness

This week we concentrated on self awareness as an important part of our preparedness for discernment. Discernment requires, first of all, that we are able to discern matters of our own heart, to be aware of what is going on inside of us. We need to take responsibility for what drives our reactions and responses to events in our lives.  

We looked at Romans 8:5-16 where Paul talks about living by the Spirit as opposed to living by the 'flesh'. From this we asked:

We had a range of observations from the text including if we live by the flesh we would live in fear, we will not feel like a son or daughter of God, we will not know Him as Abba/Dad and ultimately we will die. 

If we live by the Spirit we will be free, know God as Father and know our inheritance and live in it as His children.

This is why it so important for discernment - our internal lives cause us to react either in a way that is in tune with God and his heart or in a way that is influenced by our selfishness, pain or hurt (flesh). Self awareness helps us to see when we are reacting from fear or not living in our identity as children of God. At these times we need to take responsibility for our healing and wholeness so that our minds are controlled by the Spirit.

We don't have to be concerned about keeping up appearances, rather we need to be aware of our weaknesses so that we are more dependent on the Holy Spirit to transform us.

How to practice self awareness

These things help us be aware of our internal world and thus become more aware of the things that need transforming:

What to do about it

It may be that just praying things through with God is enough to get transformation of our internal world. We may need the help of those of our fellow disciples - trusted friends, leaders, pastors.