[12] Beginning the next phase

Wednesday 23 May 2018

This week is a watershed between where we have been and where we are going. We reviewed the many ways God has been teaching us to engage in discernment and get to know him more. The picture shows Kathy perched on a prayer stool as we had a humorous moment recalling all that we have done in the last 11 weeks.

Then we looked ahead to the landmarks we see in the journey before us.

But first we had a visitor from New Community Central, called Sarah, who told us her story of discovering a hidden treasure at the Bargate in 2013. When out walking with her daughter they noticed the bell on the Bargate and curious to know more a very interesting journey began. You can read this beautiful story here.

This bell is a wonderful symbol of some of the things God is saying to us about the house of prayer. Over the coming weeks we will be praying and thinking more about this, but our initial reactions you can read here.

Richard and Kathy recently met with Roger Ellis from 24/7 prayer and Bev Webb from City Life Church to discuss the way ahead. They outlined the key stages before us which you can read here.

The group then planned what to do next week when we will be joined by the wider community for an update and pray.