summer assignment

Wed 17 July 2019

The Holy Spirit has made it clear that our summer assignment is to take a rest from hosting and get out onto the streets!


Kathy had a very clear encounter in the prayer room earlier in July, with specific instructions about where to pray in and around Weston. Some of us met up there on Monday 15 July in the evening and were greatly encouraged by the way the Holy Spirit led us.

On the evening we were invited by one of the GPs at Weston Lane Surgery to come in and pray. The Living Well Partnership has stepped out to merge with other surgeries in the area and this is stretching all their resources in every area as they are trying to make changes to keep up with the wider changes in the NHS. We prayed for God's grace and provision to flow. We were reminded of God's instruction to Moses Exodus 17 to strike the rock with his staff and then water would flow for the people.

God is speaking about doing something new in Southampton, which will start from the east. During our prayer walk we felt that God was saying that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. God's move will start in the east and spread out over the whole city. We have heard this from several other sources. We are pressing in to join with those already praying and listening out to 'hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches'.

Flowers Estate

The week before we joined Christians from Swaythling on a prayer walk around the Flower roads. This was prompted by a sudden increase in gang culture and knife-related incidents. The police had issued a temporary stop and search order to quickly nip it in the bud. It is a really important time to get out on the streets and pray that this does not proliferate. 

August prayer walks

SO, August is a time of prayer walks!! We meet at 7.30pm

Also in August we have our next meeting with 24-7 Prayer. Jill Weber and Carla Harding from 24-7 Prayer will be at the Community Meal on Wed 14, 7pm at 286 Burgess Road.

No drop in in August

The prayer room is still open in August, but not for drop in. Please plan ahead and make time for your 1to1 with God and to pray in the prayer room. Here is the link: sign up to pray.

Street Pastors Prayer

Finally, Kathy has been prompted to sign up to join the Street Pastors prayer team once a month on a Friday night and we'd like to promote this more widely. Every patrol that goes on the street has a prayer team at base. They phone in with specific request through out the time they are on the street. We often see wonderful answers to prayer.  Please can we all be aware of this and promote it as much as we can. The call is for people to pray once a month at these times: 

There are also people praying for school patrols that happen weekly from 3pm to 4pm, at Cantell, Upper Shirley High and Redbridge. We can get more details of this. 

Elaine is the prayer coordinator for street pastors and can tell you more!!