24-7 Prayer visit

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Visit from Jill Weber

Jill is our link person at 24-7 Prayer (full title, Director of Houses of Prayer).

We are hoping to become part of the 24-7 Prayer network and this is one of several times over this year when we get together and talk about what it means.

24-7 Prayer in a nutshell

24-7 Prayer exists to revive the church and rewire the culture. It believes that the way to do this is through prayer. Prayer is the "modus operandii", the way to get things done. Prayer changes us and those around us.

Friends or family?

Jill shared her story from the Ontario (Canada) house of prayer, which started 17 years ago. After they had been going for a while they became aware of 24-7. They started reading the books, and then going to gatherings. Jill said it was like Pete Grieg had been reading her journals - all the things that God had been speaking to them about in Ontario, he was also speaking about to 24-7. She said it was like she began to recognise a family resemblance. Are we related, she thought??

24-7 have many friends, and they are good at making friends and welcoming friends and sharing resources with friends. The gatherings each year, such as Birmingham in 2017, Vienna in 2018 and Belfast in October this year draw together many friends who have been encouraged and inspired by 24-7. 

But there are some friends who recognise a deeper affinity with the values and practices of 24-7 and there is a mutual realisation and recognition of a family likeness. "Hey, are we related to each other?". This is what joining the 24-7 network is about. Carrying on with the family illustration, joining the network is called the "process of embrace". This is what we are doing. We are having a series of conversations about what we believe, what we are called to, what 24-7 is all about. At the end of these conversations it is hoped that we will have confirmed that we are indeed family. And then at the next gathering we will be commissioned as a house of prayer operating within the 24-7 network.

Where are we up to?

Jill gave us some feedback on how 24-7 sees SoHOP. She sees the grace of God all over what SoHOP is doing and building together. Our discernment process last year is a good example, she says. Our journey thus far is already a resource for other Houses of Prayer.

But our journey of discernment continues as we continue to build SoHOP and see what the 24-7 core values and practices look like here in Southampton. 

Here in Southampton the SoHOP leaders will be talking through with our oversight in City Life Church and beyond to make sure that our local leaders are happy with us being part of the 24-7 network. We are not going to go rushing ahead, but will remain in humble accountability to the local Body of Christ. 


If we become part of the network 24-7 won't be telling us what to do, or how to run SoHOP. They will support us and connect us with other houses of prayer. They will invite us to gatherings for 'friends' and gatherings for 'family'. 

Joining the network means contributing the grace that God has given SoHOP to the wider 24-7 network. It means we get to look beyond our local bubble and get a wider perspective.

What next?

Jill is coming back on the 14th August and bringing Carla Harding, National Director of 24-7 Great Britain, to have the next conversation with us. The SoHOP community have been invited to bring their questions about prayer to this evening.