Keeping Watch

Friday 27 March 2020

We met online, for the second time, this time from 9 locations. 

Anything troubling or difficult / How is God comforting you?

We made time to hear from each other about how we are getting on. As well as problems with illness and uncertainty, we heard stories of closeness to God and opportunities to share His kindness and encouragement with others. Relationships are being enriched in families. There had been an online gathering on Thursday with Christians from all around the world taking part (see ) that had been very encouraging. 

Keep Watch

This is our new theme.

Keep watch for our own daily rhythm of prayer, remaining in a place of intimacy with God, attentive and adoring. We also need to keep watch to be attending to our own inner world, our soul. What I mean by this is being aware of how these new constraints on us are affecting us. I am finding my times of prayer between me and God are very important because I need a safe place to admit how I am feeling. I have been surprised a couple of times as I hadn't been aware of my reactions until I was being still and praying.

Keep watch for the church in Southampton, the beautiful bride of Christ. I believe this is a key part of our calling at this time. 

Keep watch for the city. Along with the whole body of Christ we are praying for the Lord to deliver us from coronavirus as more and more people are affected. Let's remember the extremes of those who are working very hard and on the front line of caring for the sick and those who are no longer working, many being without income. Let's pray for the poor and homeless. 

These are some scriptures to study and pray from:

Our own daily rhythm of prayer:

For the church:

For the city:

Prayer focus for next two weeks

Please can we especially pray for church leaders over the next two weeks. Pray that they will be able to lead their congregations in finding the Lord in new intimacy. Can all of life be prayer? Yes!!

Pray for church leaders to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to the churches in Southampton, and for ways to work together.

Future activity


Developing rhythms of prayer - resources for the church

Prayer Line

Praying for leaders