Get up and eat:  the journey too great

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Testimonies from the prayer room

Learning on the journey

During our prayer time, Simon had a picture of the house of prayer like a person. Growing from conception and birth to become a child etc. At first we can't do much for ourselves. As we grow we can do more. Over time the house of prayer will be able to do more.

As we are nearing the end of our first year, we have learnt a bit more about our assignment, about what our purpose is. We began with thoughts of pilgrimage, of journeying ever nearer to God. And so it is. We have set our hearts on pilgrimage and on the journey we have been changed. This is a summary of our purpose as we head into year 2:

Get up and eat some more!

Our main theme tonight was from 1 Kings 19. This was a talk we heard from Alan Emerson at the 24-7 Prayer gathering in Belfast in October. It is highly recommended, about where 24-7 Prayer is at as a movement. You can catch it on YouTube here:

And here is a summary of some of the points:

Elijah had been on quite an adventure

Crashed out. Exhausted. Demoralised. Been through such amazing times, that we might call victories. Yet he was burnt out.

God had more for Elijah. 

Miraculous sustenance

And now the encounter

Elijah is in a cave. God asks Elijah what he is doing here. [what a wonderful question - where are you now, what are you doing here?]

And we see what is in Elijah's heart - "I have served you but the people have deserted you. I am the only one left and now they are trying to kill me too."

We are not alone!

This thing is on!

God is moving!

How to survive an awakening

But the journey is great and we need to eat. 

How do we eat? At the centre of every awakening is the centrality of the cross. Feed on Jesus.

It has been said that every new step in the kingdom will cost us everything we have gained to date.

i.e. We can't rely on the ways we have fed ourselves up until now.

When there is an awakening/revival, it will mean a lot of extra time needed to make disciples etc.

ACTION - Write down what you need to do now if you are going to live through an awakening...