Sept-13 Words to weigH

This week we have the following feedback from the community to consider.

We believe the Holy Spirit communicates with us through impressions in our mind, bringing bible verses to mind or communicating to our heart in some other way. If we get these 'words' then we share them together to pray and ask God to confirm to us what they mean and how to apply them. 

Are you willing to believe me for the impossible?

When we were praying, I felt God gave me a picture of the crossing of the Red Sea (given in Exodus 14). I’ve been thinking and praying about this over the last few days and felt it would be good to share this with you.

The picture was of Moses walking down the gap between the two walls of water in the Red Sed and that God had to do a miracle in order for this to happen.

I felt God say: “are you willing to believe me for the impossible? For that is what I want to do through you and in you.” I believe “you” is the corporate House of Prayer and that He wants us to have a radical shift in our expectations - the “impossible” is what He wants to be doing in the city in these days and what we should be expecting to happen!

On re-reading the story, there are a few related points, which I think are also important:

Let’s be believing God for the impossible in these days!

As always, I’m offering this for you to weigh and consider! 

Join Jesus in praying for his church in Southampton

After he left there, he came upon Jehonadab son of Rekab, who was on his way to meet him. Jehu greeted him and said, “Are you in accord with me, as I am with you?” “I am,” Jehonadab answered. “If so,” said Jehu, “give me your hand.” So he did, and Jehu helped him up into the chariot. Jehu said, “Come with me and see my zeal for the Lord.” Then he had him ride along in his chariot.

2 Kings 10:15‭-‬16 NIV

Richard this verse stuck out to me the other day, I thought I might as well share it with you in case you find it helpful. I'm pulling this a bit out of context, but it reminded me of a lifetime ago in church when we used to sit around in a circle holding hands and singing bind us together and if your heart is right with mine then take my hand.

I think the Lord wants us as a committed group to step into his chariot by faith and join our King of Kings in praying for his church in Southampton before the throne of God.

Live Ready (Smith Wigglesworth)

Live ready. If you have to get ready when the opportunity comes your way, you’ll be too late.

Opportunity doesn’t wait, not even while you pray.  You must not have to get ready, you must live ready at all times… 

Be filled with the Spirit; that is, be soaked with the Spirit.  Be so soaked that every thread in the fabric of your life will have received the requisite rule of the Spirit – then when you are misused and squeezed to the wall, all that will ooze out of you will be the nature of Christ.