social distancing

18 March 2020

"Social distancing" - a phrase we never conceived of before covid-19. But there we were on Wednesday evening, not meeting together for our community meal, but using something called "zoom" to have a virtual meeting on our laptops/phones. 8 of us from 5 locations.

Psalm 46

After everyone saying hello and something about their day, we read Psalm 46 together, one verse each. It was moving to hear each others voices, thinking of us speaking God's word into the atmosphere in the different parts of our city we were situated in.

Still Standing?

Before the meeting Chris sent us an email with what he would have shared at the meal if we were face to face. It was reflections on what made trees fall in the storms last month and the parallels for us keeping standing when under pressures of life. You can read it on

This thought is particularly pertinent with the current "shaking" of our lives through the unparalled disruption of the coronavirus. I for one am finding my roots and foundations shaken already! The three suggestions are a good checklist for us:

Review of our vision

We had scheduled time at this meeting to give more detailed feedback from our time at the 24-7 Prayer training in January/February. We had a time with some of the leaders to review our vision. It was really helpful and clarified where we are at the moment as a house of prayer. Full details are written up on this blog and we'd like everyone in the community to read it. It sets out key aspects of our vision and calling.

One key theme that comes out is illustrated in Isaiah 62, which is all about God's city - Jerusalem - being restored to its beauty as a bride. This is all about the church now, and the reference to watchmen on the walls is an illustration of how we are called to pray for the church. Isaiah 62 is a key passage for us to be reading.

New theme

We are going to be moving on from our theme of "Stand" to "Keep Watch". This is for us as SoHOP to keep watch and pray for the church. It is also for the church to keep watch for all the things we are praying for at the moment. 


In view of all the above, this is how we see our assignment, particularly as our nation enters a time of "social distancing":

Specifically for SoHOP, we need to keep watch for the church. This means:

Please also take time to read the review of our vision and Isaiah 62.