[7] Spiritual Transformation (2)

Wed 18 April 2018

Rhythm of prayer

This week we had been focussing on Romans 12:1-2 in our prayer times. Some highlights:

In groups we shared the prayers we'd written from Romans 12, and we made some time to pray them out.

Spiritual Rhythms

We started a new theme of hearing from each other about our spiritual rhythms in order to learn from each other and emphasise the importance of these for transformation and discernment. 

We believe that we are on a transforming journey to do something for the city, and in that we are accountable to each other and we all need to be taking responsibility for our spiritual formation. 

We appreciate that personal prayer is secret - Jesus calls us to find God in the secret place. We are not looking for that depth of sharing, but it will be really helpful for us each to do this reflection and for us a group to hear from each other.

The questions are:

This week Richard and Kathy (leaders of the group) shared their reflections on these questions with the group. They said it had been a helpful process, especially to think about how we are experiencing God in these rhythms. 

Two people will be sharing each week (although we won't make anyone do this who doesn't want to).

Sacred Space - pools

Tara had arranged the sacred space with visual representation of the springs and pools mentioned in Psalm 84 and also a cross to represent the pilgrimage mentioned in the psalm. She included some rounded pebbles, building on from what Sandra and Peter shared last week about living stones and being rounded as we bump along with one another. 

We spent 20 minutes together soaking in God and listening to what he was saying to us about the house of prayer in relation to these themes. 

We ended with short prayers of thanks for all that God had been saying and what He is doing with us on our journey.