How to be watchmen on the walls

Wednesday 22 November 2023

Tonight we reviewed the first of our new prayer monthly prayer meetings, which was on Friday 17 November, from 8pm to midnight at Kings Church Lordswood.

We begin these new prayer meetings with the idea of being watchmen on the walls. Tonight we explored that.

Why half nights of prayer?

Back in September we studied Isaiah 62 about watchmen.

6 Upon your walls, O Jerusalem, I have stationed my watchmen.

Neither by day nor by night will they be silent.

You whose responsibility is to call upon the Lord, give yourselves no rest,

7 and also give no rest to him until he restores Jerusalem and makes her renowned throughout the earth.

Watchmen is a pictorial way of referring to people who have a calling to pray. We sensed God giving us an assignment to gather people who have a calling to pray. And so we asked how do we gather these watchmen?

We decided to hold an extra prayer time each month, an extended time to pray for the city.

As we are advised by our friends at 24-7 Prayer, when doing something new, we consider it an experiment. We try things out and learn. We aim to keep discerning how the Holy Spirit is leading us.

So we begin our half nights of prayer...

How did it go? 

There were 5 of us from the house of prayer, 2 from St Albans church, 3 from Highfield church/Uni of Southampton, 1 from Riverside Church and a family of 5 from City Life Church.

It was very encouraging that there were people from beyond SoHOP who wanted to come and pray. It was particularly encouraging to have some younger people - students and a family including 3 teenagers.

The approach I took was to wait on the Holy Spirit and listen for his leading. As the person leading, I was a little nervous, because I didn't want anyone to be bored, or to come for the first time and not encounter God.

I was particularly nervous when 3 teenagers walked in! I really hoped they would be inspired. I began to regret not having brought any resources to help us be creative - not even some paper and pens. (I was relieved to note at least one of them had brought a prayer journal with them!)

We responded to a few things that arose during the evening - it was not all silence and I've had feedback from some (including the family!) that it was encouraging and helpful to be there.

Some of the activities we did:

What we have learnt so far

Once we had discerned our assignment to gather the intercessors there was another question to pray about: Why do you want to gather the intercessors?

Thinking about this might have helped prepare more for the first meeting. But now I see what the Holy Spirit is calling us do. We are calling people together in order to keep watch on the walls.

So tonight at SoHOP we were investigating what God is saying to us about keeping watch.

Keeping watch

In some translations we get the word sentinel - a solider or guard whose job is to stand and keep watch.

The natural role of a watchman is to stand, to watch for danger, to call attention to it.

The supernatural role of a watchmen is more. The rest of the verse (Isaiah 62:6) gives instructions beyond the military application. Looking at a range of translations we get:

After spending time investigating this tonight, we have some ideas on what it means to be keeping watch. We are always wanting to be like Jesus, when He said 'I only do what I see the Father doing'. This is our stance. So as we keep watch we are watching for what God is doing.

Summary of keeping watch

Practical ideas for creatively keeping watch

Keeping watch is another practice for us to use when we pray on our own. It's a practical, creative way for us to approach prayer, like when we had the idea of Jesus inviting us up into his chariot. It's a way to focus our prayers on what God is doing. 

These are some practical ideas for us to try:

Keep watch together

Our next keep watch night is Friday 15 December. 8pm to midnight. 

Kings Church Lordswood, 414 Coxford Road, Southampton SO16 5LL.