Jesus walks on the water

We read Matthew 14:22-33 and pondered the parts of story that spoke to us. We then explored how those aspects of the story made us feel and what our response was to God. Then we shared in our groups and formed a prayer from each person's contribution which we can use this week in our prayer times.


Lord, help us create the space to pray as you did- our lives are not busier than yours.

We want to be as focused as you and realize the importance of prayer, even when it seems to be inconvenient.

We want to find your presence in the midst of the storms of life.

And be willing to attempt the impossible as you call us out.



Dear Lord, 

Strengthen our faith and courage to follow you and take risks for you, step out for you.

Help us not to doubt you when the storms of life crash over us for you truly are the Son of God.


Don't let my fear or expectations stop me from seeing you or stop me responding to your call (name anything that is on your mind).

Help me put away all distractions to have clear time with you.

I want to worship you in the midst of the storm, knowing your presence and hearing your insistent instructions. 

Call me out to follow you. What do I need to complete the pilgrimage?

Thank you for your immediacy to me when I step out and even if I fail.