Psalm 84

A time of reflection on Psalm 84:5,6,7

Wed 7 March 2018

5 Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.

6 As they pass through the Valley of Baka, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools

7 They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion

I saw a time-lapse video of an empty pond being filled as water seeped up. Life sprang up - a whole ecosystem. Overflowed into streams, which became rivers. A source of rivers. As we are in His presence this will happen.

I am unsatisfied with what things are like now - we must have more. Lord deliver us from church as usual. I have a deep hunger for your Kingdom Lord.

Baca becomes springs. In the valley of death we fear no evil. We will be transformed in this process. SPRING UP O WELL!

We go through valleys of weeping. We look at You again and you refresh us. We become springs. Young and old come together.

Autumn rains - pools of water = supplies.

I saw us walking towards God’s city, with golden strings going from our hearts to God. Pilgrimage means that our hearts are joined to God and we are going towards  him all the time and our strength comes from Him. 

I saw an blank map - the territory is as yet uncharted. There is no wrong way to go. We will discover what is there. 

I saw a man looking up and it was raining. Refreshing and healing the man and the land around him in a time of drought. Picture of a farm, something green and red. Healing rains restoring lost gifts, even agriculture! As people’s hearts are healed they will act differently. 

These verses are in the form of a beatitude - there is a promise here. If we set our hearts on pilgrimage, we will get there!