[29] Hidden Treasure - lessons learned

Wednesday 19 September 2018

This evening we reviewed our investigations into the hidden treasures that God had brought to our attention back in June. We see this hidden treasure journey as a way God is showing us what He wants the House of Prayer to focus on. What we have learned will inform the kinds of prayer activities we organise in the House of Prayer once it is up and running. 

Hidden Treasure - God's agenda

We began with a time of worship and prayer in our hidden treasure groups. Then we considered what our hidden treasure showed us about 'what is the Lord longing for in Southampton?'.

Back in August we had prayed for the city and created a collage. We added to this collage now to collect our learning about hidden treasures. As each group discussed what they'd learned and isolated concise points they sent someone to write on the collage. Then we sat round as the whole group, reviewing the collage and sharing our thoughts about the key points we saw there. The leaders will now write it up.

Hidden Treasure - in us

Back in August in our prayers we asked: What have you created in me to bring out now, to bless the house of prayer and the whole of Southampton?  We took some time to listen again. Then we each shared.

It is not easy (or British?) to speak about how we think we are gifted. But this was not us being proud, rather acknowledging what the Lord has done, and being brave enough to speak out. In that speaking, we are offering ourselves to what God is doing. 

It was such a privilege to hear this from each other.