Planning for Pray 168

Wednesday January 13 2021

Pray 168

An initiative that came from Catherine and Chris Knights our friends from Lord's Hill Church. They have a heart for prayer and have linked in with us and SoHOP. The aim is to cover Southampton with 24/7 prayer by asking 168 Christians of Southampton from across the churches to pray an hour a week every week as there are 168 hours in a week. This would mean that effectively Southampton will be covered in prayer all the time. Full details on

There are some information meetings on zoom where Rich and Chris Knights will be explaining the vision to anyone who wants to come.

Rich has already publicised it fairly widely, via our website, via Southampton Christian Network and by speaking at the City prayer meeting last Sunday about it. We have 15 people signed up so far and more being added.

Big Ben Chimes

This was brought by Jane Castle to Chris and Ros small HOP and shared with us and I explained about how this is relevant to our Pray 168 foundation and also to our SoHOP foundations. 

Big Ben chimes out the Westminster chimes every 15 minutes. It is the same 5 bells played in various ways. At quarter past it is just 4 notes. Each quarter hour the tune is one bar longer.  There are lyrics to the chime on the hour, based on Psalm 37:23-24:

All through this hour; Lord by my guide; That by thy power; no foot shall slide.' 

The tune and lyrics were first written in 1793 for a new clock in St Mary the Great in Cambridge. It was apparently inspired by a snippet from Handel's Messiah, the part that goes "I know that my redeemer liveth". The same chimes are in many townhall clocks around the country (e.g. Portsmouth Guildhall Clock). The tune is to what I know as 'Play up Pompey, Pompey Play up'! [Saints football fans among us take no offence please!]. The tune is also used in schools throughout Japan, China and Taiwan to mark the end of lessons.

This is a regular reminder and rhythm to acknowledge our Lord over our cities, our nations and our times. Pray 168 is also a regular rhythm taking us to God and holding up our city and nation to Him. It points to our own Southampton Guildhall chimes too of the Isaac Watts hymn (O God our help in ages past) and to our watch bell on the Bargate. God ultimately is in control.

We discussed in our breakout rooms what is the main thing about Pray 168 and this is what we fed back from this:

Prayer themes for Pray 168

We discussed possible different themes also together which were:

Email to sign up to pray. We encouraged, asked, stressed importance of our community signing up to pray. We also suggested that we consider night time prayer as we are called to be watchmen, praying without ceasing, in the night and daytime. (At that point one of our community volunteered straight away for an 11pm slot!)

We don't have to go anywhere to pray for Pray 168 - we can't use the Sacred Space at the moment. We can pray wherever we are however we want.

Unfortunately we ran out of time to discuss the 'main thing' about our small hops. We will do this when we meet again.

Armour of God, and close

We left each other reminding one another to keep on the armour of God and put it on daily and to come to the zoom 9pm prayer calls which are every evening, run faithfully by Elaine and Sally. Another regular rhythm aiding us and our city. Also encouraged people to keep up their own individual rhythms of prayer and presence with God.

Then we said goodbye. It was lovely and powerful.