Testimony and Prayer

Wednesday May 22 2019

We met again to eat together, to encourage one another, and most of all, to seek God and pray that the House of Prayer is all that He wants it to be.

Stories from the house

We shared our experiences and stories. People continue to report personal encounter with the Lord. And there have been quite remarkable encounters for people coming to the drop in, which have been quite busy. This is definitely a place where God wants to speak into our lives.

People from across different churches and traditions who did not even know each other have enjoyed praying and breaking bread together: "we were 3 random Christians from 3 different churches, but we joined our hearts to pray for salvation in the city".

We hear of prayer becoming more of a priority in different churches and organisations.

24/1 by Southampton University Christian Union

The students in the Christian Union at Southampton University did a block booking last weekend. This is why: 

"No matter what we do as a CU we have literally no power, it is all God. We want so much to see lives transformed among the students at our university and we believe this should start from within the CU. People can only share a faith genuinely and effectively if they are truly convinced of it and are in love with Jesus themselves. What better way to encourage the transformation of our CU members than by prioritising and promoting a creative space for prayer."


Our time of prayer was in the Sacred Space tonight. We listened to "Did you feel the mountains tremble" - a song by Delirious about what happens when we pray. And we poured out our hearts to Jesus.

We prayed about Church in the Park, an event put on by many churches working together in Southampton. We will not have our drop in session on Saturday 1 June as a consequence.

We also prayed for some of our community, who have various challenges and we want to see them released to serve the House of Prayer like they want to.