Fresh Start revealed

Wed/Thu 23/24 September 2020

Plans for gathering - changed by rule of 6

We believe that more than ever we (SoHOP) need to meet in person, to gather in Jesus name, and to share our thoughts and maintain clarity and unity in our prayer assignment. In 24-7 tradition, let's be creative about how we meet up. So we had planned a socially distanced bonfire at Aldermoor Community Farm so the whole community could be together for a change.

But the Covid-safe regulations changed - we have to keep to groups of 6 even if we meet somewhere that is safe for larger numbers on site. So we modified the plans to have separate bonfires for each group of 6

Looking to the future we wondered whether it is time for another fresh start when it comes to meeting up. Should we be trying to find a large indoor venues where we can gather, but remain in groups of 6?

In our discernment we still feel a call to be out and about, to be out of the church building, so we asked for suggestions for new places to meet. Lets make it fun and creative. Let's not be morbid about these restrictions, but feel the joy and life of the Holy Spirit in it all.

Tue 22 Sept: 24-7 Communities Zoom

Richard and Chris were at an online meet up for 24-7 communities.

Alain Emerson shared how in January this year he prayed and asked God for a directional word for the new decade. God gave him Psalm 1 - hold your nerve; stay rooted; continue to bear fruit. He had been hoping for something more exciting or revolutionary perhaps, but this has turned out to be perfect for the covid pandemic.

The idea of households of prayer was firmly put in our minds by hearing from Adam Cox from Kansas City. He told us about the beautiful journey of obedience to Jesus his church has been on, which involved "leaving the building" 18 months before lockdown. Their church is built from the household level up and doesn't use a building. Not being able to meet has not changed what they have been doing. Each household decides its own rhythms of prayer, family and mission.  He gave inspiring details about how they have trained people, and centred on being disciples and following Jesus' teaching. How's this for a quote: "the new wineskin we are called to is not just a new form of church, it's a family fully surrendered to the Holy Spirit."

We also heard from Canterbury house of prayer - a clear word that God says to maintain the stillness imposed by lockdown so that old things may fully die. Then a resurrection may come. If not, we risk re-animating things that are dying.

Wed 23 Sept: Bonfire for 6 + Zoom

As it happened, due to other commitments, there were only 6 at the bonfire anyway. No need for several bonfires.

We ate picnic supper we had each brought with us, and we prayed. There was a hunger in the group to meet more often and to pray more often. Perhaps weekly?? 

We talked about the "rule of 6" and what it means for SoHOP. Should we organise ourselves into groups of 6 each week?

Leaders meeting the next day - fresh start revealed!!!

With all these threads coming together, we prayed. We waited on the Lord. There was a beatiful stillness and peace. Kathy sensed 'the weight of His glory', as she had done when she heard "Fresh Start" back in May. 

And we moved to a decision and began to define what we see God is calling us to. 

It is time for the little lights all over the city we have seen prophetically before. It is time to pray more. It is time to organise ourselves into groups of 6!!

And as we closed in prayer Carolyn had a picture of Jesus taking a pot of paint in the centre of Southampton, and dabbing paint out around the city. Dip in the tin - blob on the map. Dip in the tin, blob somewhere else. And so on. Then in a later stage, God turned the brush upside down and used the bristles to flick a fine mist of paint onto the map. Confirmation!

Also Richard had recently read Isaiah 37:30 in his daily readings, which was a verse given to us in October 2018 by someone visiting us with Jill Weber: “This year you will eat what grows by itself, and the second year what springs from that. But in the third year sow and reap, plant vineyards and eat their fruit."  This is illustrating our journey so far - in the first year it was as if the house of prayer community grew by itself. With minimal publicity we had 28 people from 11 churches commit to meeting every week on the journey of discernment. In the second year some friends of the original community "sprang up" and joined us. Now is the third year, and now is the time to sow and to plant vineyards. This is what we are doing in breaking down into smaller groups.

The full and concise description of our new structure will soon be on