
An overview of fasting


What does it do?

Old Testament

New Testament

Some practicalities 

A conversation about fasting

I used to hate fasting... because I really love food - feasting is much more my scene! However I do fast - (not as often as perhaps I should…) but bizarrely I quite like it now, as I know that we grow spiritually and that it has an effect in the spiritual realm. 

There is some kind of dynamic that occurs when we fast that I can’t explain, but there appears to be an added weightiness that comes to our prayers, petitions & declarations.

Unfortunately for so many in the church today, especially in the West, we seem to have lost the desire for self sacrifice & discipline. 

We are happy to pray as long as it doesn’t interfere with what’s on the telly or anything else that takes our time. I wonder if the Lord is looking to change our perspective and priorities? How much do we really want this thing? How much do we want His kingdom to come on Earth, just as it is in heaven?

Matthew Ch 6 v16: And when you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces so that their fasting may be seen by others. I believe the emphasis in this scripture is on ’WHEN’ you fast - it doesn’t say ’IF’ you fast…

It is not just about altering our usual routine with food, but about using the time that we would have spent preparing, cooking, eating & washing up our meal, with the Lord. Listening to him - making room for Him to reveal Himself to us, in a deeper way.

We each individually need to start wherever we are at, as it is a ‘heart attitude thing’ and sort out the details about the food (or whatever else you are sacrificing) with the Lord.

This can be either a personal or corporate commitment. Joel Ch 1 v 14 says: Consecrate a fast, a sacred assembly, gather the elders & all the inhabitants of the land, into the house of the Lord your God and cry out to the Lord.

It is about shifting the spiritual dynamic around a situation and imploring the Lord to intervene. 

There are over 100 scripture references about fasting - so as serious followers of Jesus, perhaps we really should be doing it? 

How much do we desire God’s kingdom to come in our city, and our nation? How much do we desire a greater anointing? 

How much do we desire to be more skilful in using spiritual gifts? How much are we prepared to put ourselves out? 

Are we prepared to go without a little food, entertainment or luxury every now and again?