WAtchmen on the walls

Wednesday 10 April 2019

Tonight we welcomed 5 people who have started praying with us at SoHOP who weren't part of the discernment community. All  are keen to pray and glad of the opportunity to gather together as a community.

At the weekend the 100th person came through the prayer room.

Stories from the prayer room

We shared our stories from the prayer room. There is general feeling that we are encountering God more and praying more for the city and beyond.

Then we sung a song together (Saviour, He can move the mountains) and went on into praying together. There was a lovely atmosphere of adoration and passion to see God's will be done.

Watchmen on the walls

The times of prayer over the last weekend have felt significant and we are understanding more about the calling on us as a house of prayer. At the weekend Kathy had a picture of people standing next to one another round the city walls, like in Nehemiah where the watchmen were posted around the walls of Jerusalem keeping guard whilst it was being rebuilt. This is what we believe the Lord is saying to us about this: 


We continue to focus on our vision - 

Next prayer topic - SALVATION

Our prayer topic for the next month is SALVATION.

There is a series of special events put on by churches working together 29 May to 2 June - Church in the Park


There was general agreement that fasting is very good for us and sharpens our prayers. We are encouraging everyone to fast fortnightly, fitting in with our community meal, according to your own commitments. 

Praying for one another

We really want to carry on praying for each other in pairs. A new list has been drawn up and sent out by email. 

Further prayers and pictures

In our final prayers tonight, the following words were given:

Good Friday Reflections

We are running a special hosted session from 9pm to 12 midnight. We encourage everyone to come at the beginning and stay till the end. Do you have any reflections to share? We are asking people from the community to cover 45 minute slots with a reflection. The idea is you start us off and then there is time for each person to pursue the reflection on their own.