[37] A visit to All Saints

Wednesday 14 November 2018

This week we met at All Saints, Millbrook (technically speaking, it is in Maybush Parish). We are hoping to spend our new year's eve launch time here and came to prepare and pray. 

We spent the first bit of time individually walking and praying around the various parts of the church. We listened to what God was saying about meeting here on new year's eve.

Then we prayed in pairs, on a similar theme.

Next we gathered together to share our thoughts and experiences of being here tonight. It was a great encouragement to reflect on the range of feedback, and how each person shared exactly what they felt, regardless of if it was different to what others had said. And also how well we listened to each other as a group.

This is what we are taking forward from our time at All Saints.

What we learnt about the House of Prayer community

Location of the House of Prayer

Being here at All Saints made us wonder about the location of the House of Prayer. It was a very useful exercise to imagine 'what if it were here?'. This made us think about what is going to be important about the space and the place where we begin praying.