Stand - identity, Inheritance, Destiny

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Testimonies from the prayer room

To begin we shared testimonies of what God is doing in the prayer room.

Joy. Pictures. Healing. Intercession. God's beautifying presence. Expectancy!!

Reflections from plymouth

Richard gave a report back on time spent in Boston and Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA. There is a link between Southampton and Plymouth due to the sailing of the Mayflower in 1620. 

Remembrance Day - StaNding

Remembrance day reflections on the sacrifice of the military. 

There was a purpose as they went off to fight. A clear sense of an evil domineering enemy to fight. For freedom and the people at home. To liberate nations. Can see the achievement at the end of it. Makes it easier to go and face the costs.

With more recent conflicts it has been harder to see an obvious change for good. But in WWII it was a discernible danger and obvious result.

It was like this for Jesus. Is 53 tells us about the suffering servant. Hebrews 12 tells us about what he did "for the joy set before him". He suffered for his Father, for the kingdom, for the ultimate end of evil. Colossians tells us how he has qualified us to share in his inheritance. We have been transferred into the kingdom of Jesus. We were once locked up, messed up, cut off. Destined for destruction. Jesus broke it all and released us. It was Father's good pleasure and through Jesus to reconcile all things to himself. Formerly we were alienated but now he has reconciled us. We are beyond reproach!! The enemy has nothing to point to to accuse us of.

But Colossians 1:23 says ... if indeed you continue in the faith and stand firm in the hope of the gospel. 

Here are three things for us to stand firm in:

So lets make Jesus' suffering worthwhile, standing our ground for our identity, inheritance and destiny.