Recognise what God is doing

And resPond to It

[2] Wed 14 March 2018

The theme this week was Recognising and responding to what God is doing.


We all brought some food to share and laid it out buffet style and sat down at tables together. It's a great way to start the evening.

John 9 - the man born blind

In preparation for this week, we read John 9 where Jesus healed the man born blind.  In our reading we were looking for how each group reacted to the miracle: the blind man; disciples; friends and neighbours; Pharisees; parents; Jesus. And we thought about what we could personally identify with in each reaction.

We are reading this to help us better recognise the work of God and respond to it, rather than come at it with our own baggage. These are all the players in the story and how they respond to what God was doing:

This is what we did:

These are some of the responses shared by the group:

It is only by recognising our limitations that we will be able to see. Again, it is our dependence on Him that is going to get the job done. 

Feedback on the rhythm of prayer

Feedback on morning and evening prayer. In groups we asked each other how we got on  and we tried to recognise what God is doing through this.

We noted the following:

In discussing what to do next we said things like - 

We decided to

Recognising what God is doing - our wider community

It is interesting that this week Kathy and Richard have recognised something that God is doing regards the House of Prayer. There is a wider community out there, people who are following along with us and wanting to be involved, but can't come every week. We are sending email updates out to a mailing list and getting really encouraging replies and comments back. There has been a suggestion that we have a prayer meeting  from time to time to include those who feel they are on the journey with us.

So we are proposing to have a prayer meeting on Wednesday 23 May - we are just checking the date before confirming it.

Looking ahead

When we did the prayer activity on Psalm 84 last week, Sarah had a picture of a blank map - the territory is as yet uncharted. How true! We have been charting the territory bit by bit each week, and it has been a joy to see God reveal some of the map as we go.

We are beginning to look a bit further ahead and map out some of the things we know we are going to be doing on the timeline:

Next week the focus is Becoming a Community and we will be refining our prayer rhythm (and praying together!).