[18] Hidden Treasure group work

Wed 4 July 2018

Last week we put some wallpaper up in the middle of the room and got everyone to write on there their thoughts about the historical tour of the city that Dave Adcock took us on the week before. We headed this with

'What godly themes emerged that we as House of Prayer for Southampton need to consider?'

This coming week we will re-visit this and ask people to write general thoughts about their experience of the tour and impressions and then consolidate it with other themes that are coming through which will probably be used in the house of prayer to help people pray and understand God's purposes for the city.

We then prayed and then broke into groups again to work together on our 'hidden treasures'. We are in these groups because we want to see where God is actively at work  in Southampton. He has drawn us to these 'hidden treasures' as in the themes of the different groups. Each group is discerning where to go and what to do with their theme.