[27] Prayer focus - Lighthouse 24-7

Wed 5/9/2018

This week we visited Lighthouse Church in the Newtown area of Southampton city centre. 

We were invited by them to join their week of 24/7 prayer which they do regularly throughout the year. This particular evening they started with worship together, which we joined in with. They then took us all on a tour around the old Church building next to them which they recently managed to buy. In the past this building has been used as a Church, then as the Afro Caribbean centre, then a nightclub. We were amazed to hear that the night club part had only just been removed, to uncover the original painting on the wall (alpha and omega) and the stained glass window of Jesus the Good Shepherd. This was another hidden treasure revealed. It felt like amazing timing that we were there on the very night they first went in and prayed together and worshipped there.

Lighthouse have been praying for many years to have the building and finally their prayers have been answered. It was exciting and inspiring to see the building with them and join in some worship and prayer with them actually in the building. They also stressed that they had managed to buy the building miraculously - that God had provided the money in answer to their prayers. What a privilege to be with this community who have been praying for 35 years in the way that we need to be praying in Southampton House of Prayer.

We then returned to the Lighthouse Church building and continued to pray together there, worship and break bread together. Richard also spoke for a short time about the House of Prayer in Southampton: what it is and where we are at in the process of it. Those of us who were there stood so that the Lighthouse fellowship could see who we were. They were glad to hear about it all and prayed for us in it.

We were then showed around their 24/7 prayer room.

Finally two of our group returned during the night to pray in that room for two hours from 0100 - 0300. This was a powerful and encouraging time.