[35] Being filled with the Spirit

Wednesday 31 October 2018

Tonight we were looking at how we can best prepare ourselves to be a gift to Southampton by continuing to be filled with the Spirit on a regular basis.

Be filled

Last week Jim reminded us that the house of prayer is not a place, a building or a room, it’s us. In the Cultivating Houses of Prayer manual they talk of discovering and fulfilling our unique contribution to the work of God (in Southampton). 

We read 2 Tim 2:1-26. Where Paul talks about things to avoid, and things to do. This shows us that we have choices to make, which will affect how successful and fruitful we are, and how much we fulfil our God-given potential. We remembered the parable of the talents: not everyone invested their free gifts.

In September we looked at Paul’s call to pray in the Spirit

We are born again, baptized in the Holy Spirit, and made to drink of one Spirit (1 Cor 12:13). E.g. Acts 4, after prayer. Ezekiel 47: picture of revival. We can’t make an outbreak of spiritual renewal or revival happen, in a church or in society, but we can set ourselves up for personal revival: John 7:37-7. Key verse is Eph 5:18. 

From the bible we can see seven steps of faith for receiving the fullness of the Holy Spirit:

1.  Repent (Acts 2 v38). We need cleansing, forgiveness, not just for sins of commission and omission, but especially for pride/doing things in the flesh, not being dependent on God (abiding in the vine, John 15). For people involved in intercession/leading worship, it is vital we keep up-to-date, sensitive to the Holy Spirit. At the same time we must guard against introspection/condemnation. 1 John 1:9.

2. Be baptized (Acts 2 v38). Example of Jesus (and he was already pure). Romans 6/Galatians 2:20. Should be part of initiation into Christ. Vital step in becoming set apart for God.

3. Ask God (Luke 11 v13). Not automatic. “More of you, Lord.”

4. Be thirsty (John 7 v37-8). Psalm 42 (as the deer pants for the water so my soul longs after you); Isaiah 55:1 (Ho everyone who thirsts); longing/yearning for more of God. Not satisfied, pressing on for more. Phil 3:12-14. 'If we are settled and satisfied we shall not press on to know more of God.' (From 'Devotional' p452, by Smith Wigglesworth, published by Whitaker House, 1999).

5. Come to Jesus (John 7 v37-8). He is the baptizer in the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ pronouncement at the Feast of Booths (priest pouring water, running out of East Gate).

6. Drink (receive) (John 7 v37). It’s part of God’s promise to us. We don’t have to beg. Some people have tremendous experience when they are filled; others don’t feel anything when they ask. Jesus’ teaching on prayer: receive.

7. Yield (offer your body to God). (Romans 6 v13). Pursue holiness, radical obedience to God. Not just READING the word, but DOING it. 


Read John 7:25-39

1. Identify 3 steps/conditions necessary for developing a fruitful/effective life as believers (see especially verses 37-39). See also Isaiah 55:1; John 4:10-14; Mark 1:8.

2. How does Jesus describe this fruitful/effective life?

Read Acts 2:29-42

1. What steps does Peter say we must take in coming into right relationship with God (2:38)?

2. See Acts 3:19. Is there any link between these 2 messages from the Apostle Peter? See also Mark 1:14-15.

Read Luke 11:1-13

1. What does Jesus encourage us to ask for? How does this compare with Acts 2:1-4; 8:14-17; 10:44; 


2. Read Romans 6:12-14. What does Paul encourage us to do as believers?