Setting off the right direction

[1] Wed 7 March 2018

The first evening meeting of the Southampton House of Prayer discernment group.

So far 30 people from 14 churches have said they want to join the discernment group.

On this, the first meeting, there were 20 of us. From 9 churches.

We signed in and ate shepherds pie, sitting around in tables of 4.

Setting off in the right direction

Richard and Kathy offered some opening thoughts, as we set out to become a praying community together. 

Of the many things we could think about, here are some guiding thoughts.


Kathy led prayer time, reading Ps 84:5,6,7 for us to reflect on and listen to God. See what we discovered.

Groups - a community that prays = what is our rhythm?

Rhythm of prayer = some kind of pattern or patterns that we adopt to help us pray.
