Prophetic words from other cities

The battle at hand is a battle for the Gates of the Nation

We were reminded this week about a prophetic word from Yinka Oyekan in Reading, 21 June 2020.

(After senseless killings in a beautiful public garden in Reading, Yinka was praying and received this word)

I am calling the United Kingdom back to righteousness.

Understand this my heavenly activity always attracts demonic opposition therefore speak to my Daughters, speak to Bristol, Reading, Southampton, Kent, London and Birmingham. Speak and do not be silent, tell my daughters to raise up their watchmen, pick up their shields, strengthen their gates, gather their nobles and sound their trumpets. Let her priests burn incense.

Tell Bristol she will be a breaker of chains. I have seen her people throw off the stench of historic abuse. I have watched them cast down their idols and throw off the yoke of slavery. Tell Bristol I will giver her a new identity. I will fight for her, heal her and restore her. Tell her to turn to me that she might have clean garments.

A great renewal is coming to Reading, but it will be through much sifting. The gates have been shaken. But I have heard her cry and seen her tears. I promised you my glory shall visit, and the time is drawing close. Speak to Reading say to her ‘Fear not precious daughter for your gates shall be fortified, you were a place people passed through, but no longer, you shall be a place people flock to, a great spiritual awakening is coming.’

Tell Southampton that she will be a beacon of light, I will ease her infrastructure and lighten her load, for she has spoken up and eased the burden of my people.

Speak to Kent and tell her to get ready she shall be a source of new cultural renaissance. Call it forth speak it out declare it says the Lord. No longer on the edge but at the centre of an artistic and cultural awakening. 

Speak to Birmingham and remind her that she is called to leadership, let the sleeping giant rise for you will be more than the heartbeat, you will be a source of great economic strength for you have laboured on behalf of the poor. 

Speak to London and remind her to be kind, to be patient to serve. Tell her watchmen I am still in the process of redistributing power, what you see is not the end of the story, there is more to come, for the old power structures are being dismantled. But I will still strengthen Elizabeth for she honours me. I will take her along new path but she will have to be a peacemaker for she fears my name, her wisdom will be called upon. And I bless William for his compassion, his charity and his love of his fellow man, a man in whom there is no guile. 

Tell my daughters that as in the day of Daniel, angelic help is on the way. Daniel prayed with perseverance, do likewise

"The torches have been lit"

Last week Sam Robertson (Glasgow Prophetic Centre, Power Hour week 26, episode 95) included Southampton in a word naming 8 cities across the world (Barcelona, Berlin, Bucharest, Dubai, Canberra, New Delhi, Southampton and Liverpool) that will become key hot spots for round the clock prayer. He said God is releasing a new strength for 24/7 prayer and it will grow in an organic way as many houses of prayer burst into life in these cities.


First he saw the Lord lighting torches in heaven and sending them into the earth to give. He is calling 'wild prayer warriors and intercessors' to arise and carry them.

He spoke about the 100 year prayer watch of the Moravians. God said that what the Moravians had of 24-7 prayer wasn't meant to be an event or a historical moment but it was a seed in the soil of Europe for the nations, that is now about to spring up. 

So God is birthing a wave of radical 24-7 prayer across the face of the earth right now. He's calling wild prayer warriors to arise, to lay hold of these torches that he has lit in heaven and start to keep that fire burning day and night and night and day.

And God said watch as the torches were disseminated throughout the earth and watch as Barcelona, Berlin, Bucharest, Dubai, Canberra, New Delhi, Southampton and Liverpool become key hot spot zones for 24-7 prayer.

Sam said he was seeing something so organic - not just a structure or charity , but houses just bursting up and houses just opening up and people coming in and 24-7 prayer occurring. And God started to set light to the nations. 

These prayer communities will become the hinge of nations, to cause them to open and shut to me and to open to my spirit and shut to the enemy.

How do we respond to this?

If you feel the call, receive the torch.

Receive the torch that is already burning. It's blaze has been set in the heavens and will ignite us. This is anointing that God himself lights! And it cannot be put out. Enabled to finish what it was created for. Unquenchable. Undilutable.