Prayer Lines Launched

Wednesday 08 April (via Zoom)

We were on zoom again this week. 18 members from 13 locations. The technology held up most of the time.


Kathy led a lovely exercise, listening to what God was saying to us as we considered Psalm 48:10 starting with just "Be"

Prayer Lines

We have the phones, publicity has started, the first two requests have come in on the city prayer line.

We prayed about the technical issues of group texts and the difference between SMS and MMS... 

We shared ideas about how to get the word out, especially to the NHS about the NHS prayer line.

Praying for the church

We checked in on how it has been going praying for the churches. Thinking about if we have been, what helped us to do that, and what is God saying. And if we haven't been, what might have helped.

These are some suggestions from the group about what is helping us pray:

And what we are hearing God saying:


Richard to send out some specifics to pray about, probably based geographically, on different days.


We made final plans for a prayer walk at dawn on Easter Sunday. Some of us are planning to go out at sunrise, prayer walking our locality. Christopher (Land) is going to put some words together for us all to use as we do this.

All submissions to Chris by the end of Good Friday. He will email to community on Saturday afternoon/evening.

NOTE - to experience going from night to day, you need to be outside before 0530. Here is some advice on seeing the dawn from the Graves To Gardens project.